Source code for enigma.core.database.public

import urllib.parse

from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient

[docs]class MongoClient(AsyncIOMotorClient): def __init__(self, config, logger, bot=None, *args, **kwargs): # Internal self.conn = None self.logger = logger # Config = config["database"]["host"] self.port = config["database"]["port"] self.database = config["database"]["database"] self.username = urllib.parse.quote_plus(config["database"]["username"]) self.password = urllib.parse.quote_plus(config["database"]["password"]) self.replica_set = config["database"]["replica_set"] # URI Building if len( == 1: self.uri = f"mongodb://{self.username}:{self.password}" \ f"@{[0]}:{self.port}" super(MongoClient, self).__init__(self.uri, *args, **kwargs) elif len( > 1: host_list = [] for replica_host in host = f"mongodb://{self.username}:{self.password}"\ f"@{replica_host}" host_list.append(host) super(MongoClient, self).__init__( host_list, replicaSet=f"{self.replica_set}", *args, **kwargs )
[docs] async def upsert(self, entity, **states): """ Updates an existing state's value. Creates a state if it does not exist. Also creates a database collection for each entity type when needed. :param entity: Any discord object with an id attribute :param states: A dict of state and possible values """ if not (hasattr(entity, "id")): raise TypeError(f"'{entity}' is not an Entity!") collection = self[self.database][ f'{entity.__class__.__name__}States'] await collection.update( {f"{entity.__class__.__name__.lower()}_id":}, {"$set": states}, upsert=True )
[docs] async def get(self, entity, state): """ Grabs the value stored for an entity's state. :param entity: Any discord object with an id attribute :param state: An event passed as str :return: Returns the state's value if found or returns None """ if not (hasattr(entity, "id")): raise TypeError(f"'{entity}' is not an Entity!") collection = self[self.database][ f'{entity.__class__.__name__}States'] record = await collection.find_one( {f"{entity.__class__.__name__.lower()}_id":}) if record is None: return record else: try: state = record[state] except KeyError: return None return state
[docs] async def increment(self, entity, state, value): """ Increments an existing state's value. :param entity: Any discord object with an id attribute :param state: A state of type int :param value: The value to increment the state by """ if not (hasattr(entity, "id")): raise TypeError(f"'{entity}' is not an Entity!") collection = self[self.database][ f'{entity.__class__.__name__}States'] await collection.update( {f"{entity.__class__.__name__.lower()}_id":}, {"$inc": {state: value}}, )